Texas Racer Wins Copart “Burnt” Mustang Bid at $13,500 and this is what he’s found…

TJ Pruitt
2 Min Read

A few weeks ago, DragCoverage covered the story of a Mustang that went to Copart Auction after fire and the Insurance company paid the owner a claim. The car belonged to Big 3 Racing who has been in business for 18 years when the fire occurred.

A racer from Texas by the name of Crede Young won the bid at $13,500 and he says he believes there’s at least $50,000 worth of salvageable parts.

Fortunately, Hot Rod Magazine picked up our story, found the buyer, and has a great article written by Brian Lohnes.

Crede Young said all he wanted was the engine and took a gamble.

Click here for article: Junkyard Find! How a Drag Racer Got $50K in Parts From a Torched Fox Body Mustang

Here are the facts as reported by Hot Rod Magazine

– Crede Young from Texas won the Copart bid at $13,500. He was prepared to bid up to $25,000.

– He believes the All Aluminum Ford motor is good. It was built by Bennett Racing is good.

– Transmission and Rear-end dusty but still good

– The car was originally built for Ultra Street

– He was told the car was on a rack during the fire, so not directly in the fire

Good luck to Crede Young on restoring the pieces of what some has considered “junk.” This is an interesting story that has drawn attention across the nation.

Photos by Crede Young, Information credit: HotRodMagazine.com

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