Dom Lagana Update: 10/1/2020

With the 2 month mark approaching, we’d like to provide another update to everyone on Dom. After the many surgeries and procedures, we are happy to report that Dom will soon be transferred to a step down hospital here in Indianapolis. He has a very long road ahead of him but we are finally over the first hurdle.

Dom has made tremendous progress with his head injury. He is slowly getting weened off his medication but he is awake and more himself every day. His burn injuries will take a while to completely heal but they are on a good path as well. The battle with pneumonia is still ongoing but has improved a lot over the last few weeks. Dom is finally off the ventilator and breathing great on his own.

This next hospital will allow more time to heal and build back up Dom’s strength before he is ready for a tough rehabilitation facility.

Although very hard on our family, the love & support we have received over these last couple months has helped us more than you know. Dom’s room is filled with pictures, cards & thoughtful gifts from not just friends & family but also many fans who have never even met us and still care so much. We appreciate you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We are taking it day by day and continuing to trust in God and the wonderful doctors, nurses & staff.

Please keep Dom in your prayers as he continues to fight.

God is love. 🙏

-Sara, Bobby, Marie & Laura

Written by TJ Pruitt

TJ Pruitt is the publisher of To submit your news, email us at

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