Red Line Shirt Club Sends You A Vintage T-Shirt from the Glory Days Once Month

Now this is cool. The fine folks at Classic Graphics offer this T-Shirt Club called the “Red Line Shirt Club”” that we knew nothing about! After digging in deeper and finding more about this no-commitment shirt club, we decided to join.

How does it work? Well, first you sign up online for $24 a month and you will receive a T-Shirt with a “surprise design” of a Vintage Drag Racing moment, a highlight from the glory days. The shirts feature drag racing legends and historic drag racing moments, taking you back to a moment of time. You get one shirt every month!

The best part about this “club” is the fact that you can subscribe month-to-month, 3-months, and up to 12–months but the option to cancel at any time. You can even send these shirts as a gift!

I just subscribed and should receive my first shirt within 7 days. Here’s the link:

Written by TJ Pruitt

TJ Pruitt is the publisher of To submit your news, email us at

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